Going Global: Overseas Attorneys & Assets

As Wills and Estate Planning lawyers, we often have clients who live in Australia and want to create an Enduring Power of Attorney appointing family members living overseas.

Additionally, the client often has assets also located overseas.

So, can a client appoint an attorney who is overseas and what about their overseas assets?

If the Power of Attorney is intended to have effect in Australia, this can be done, although consideration needs to be given as to whether it is practical for the attorney to manage the client’s affairs from another country.

As for the assets, if they are in two countries, it is ideal that a separate Will for each country is prepared, or an international Will made in accordance with the Convention Providing a Uniform Law on the Form of an International Will 1973 may be appropriate.

However, everyone’s circumstances are different, and it is important that you receive accurate advice regarding your needs.

If you need a new Will and Power of Attorney prepared, then you can get started from the comfrot of your home at a time that suits you! Just click the link below to get started online.

Nicholas Plummer

Nicholas is a Senior Associate at Grice Legal. He has wide ranging experince in helping clients with both family law matters and complex estate planning.


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