Electonic signatures, what can I sign?

You can now sign any document electronically!⁠ We're getting on board with eSignatures and you'll find most of the documents we send to you will be for signing electronically.⁠

The common law recognises electronic signatures, but the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth) as enacted throughout Australia puts it beyond doubt that electronic signatures are equivalent to traditional hardcopy signatures.⁠

The Act also provides that a legal requirement for a manual signature can be satisfied with an electronic signature if a reliable method is in place to identify the person and to indicate that the person has approved the information that has been communicated.

If you want to know more, just get in touch with out team and we'll be happy to explain how the process works.

Nicholas Plummer

Nicholas is a Senior Associate at Grice Legal. He has wide ranging experince in helping clients with both family law matters and complex estate planning.


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