
Navigating Legal Boundaries: The Right to Choose Your Lawyer
Family Law William Grice Family Law William Grice

Navigating Legal Boundaries: The Right to Choose Your Lawyer

In our modern democratic society, some of the freedoms we cherish are the right to vote for a political party of our choice, to use a doctor whom we think will best care for our health, to have dental work done by a dentist of our choice and to retain a lawyer in whom we have confidence and will best act to represent us, either in a civil or criminal matter.

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Navigating the Silly Season: Family Violence and Intervention Orders
Family Law Amy Atkinson Family Law Amy Atkinson

Navigating the Silly Season: Family Violence and Intervention Orders

The ‘silly season’, as it is colloquially referred to, can often present quite a dangerous time with rates of family domestic violence hitting record highs.

It so follows that applications for family violence and apprehended domestic violence orders are prevalent at holiday time; and there are stark differences in the law and its application between Australian States.

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Divorce: What you need to know
Family Law Nicholas Plummer Family Law Nicholas Plummer

Divorce: What you need to know

As a boutique Melbourne family law firm, we often get asked by our clients what is involved in the process of getting divorced, how much does it cost, and who can apply. We have compiled this list of frequently asked questions to help you understand the divorce process, and what is involved.

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